Yogi's Stained Glass
Please note that since my pieces are one of a kind - what you see today may not be there tomorrow.
STEP #1: Jot down the ID number or numbers, name of item and price marked.
STEP #2:Send me an e-mail. Make sure you give me your name and e-mail address. Make sure also to include city, province and postal code (for shipping costs).
I will get back to you, within a couple of days, with availability of piece, shipping costs and total price. Delivery would be four weeks after payment (personal check) has cleared. Certified check or money order will eliminate the time for clearing and a quicker delivery date. Shipping via ground is approximately one week. Please note all prices are in Canadian funds.
It's as simple as that!
If you are wondering what some terminology means please go to my
Click on an image to enlarge.
Stay tuned for more Note Paper Holders in the future.
Last modified January 9, 2006
This site created and maintained by Yogi Grunwald.
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