ID: Gelli Printing - Page 11

Created: September 28, 2013

Gelli Printing , Dreamweaver & Pan Pastels

All these samples are done on Columbia Mills LBS end paper

Using Pan Pastels "Hansa Yellow", "Permanent Red" & "Phtalo Blue". Some of the prints then had "Violet" added

I used Dreamweaver stencil #LJ901 & LJ 655

Sample 51:

I applied the yellow, red & blue colors of Pan pastels to my paper.

I brayered Golden's Gel Medium on to Gelli plate, lay the LJ 901 stencil down and pressed down my paper and burnished with my fingers to get the paste between the stencil transferred to my paper. Set aside to dry.

Applied the Violet onto the lower left half of the print.


Sample 53:

Brayer Gelli plate with the gel medium, press stencil down, then press the paper, burnishing, remove and set aside to dry. Color with the yellow, red & blue.

They both have the same patterning, but this one the design is clear.

Sample 52:

Pulled this print immediately after pulling the prior print #51 on plain LBS paper. Dried and then colored with the yellow, red & blue



Sample 54:

I decided to try the Dreamweaver Translucent paste instead of the Gel Medium. Works. Everything else the same as for #51. I made sure I cleaned my Gelli plate relatively quickly.

Sample 55:

This print was pulled immediately after pulling print #54 and using the same colors.


Sample 56:

Other than using the translucent paste everything else the same as #53

Sample 57

Print pulled immediately after pulling print # 56


Sample 58

This time I used the Dreamweaver regular white paste & stencil #LJ655. Everything else the same as print #53

This paste was a bit harder to spread (but not by much) and I love the texture the brayer leaves on the paste which gets transferred to the print.

Sample 59


This print was pulled immediately after pulling print #58, then colored the same way.


Sample 60

For some reason what my brain is telling me I did and what I'm seeing on the prints is not matching up...


Sample 61

This one looks like the paper was colored first with the 3 primary colors, then a print pulled immediately after pulling print #60 and the violet added.

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