Removable Binding - Weaving - Celtic Knotwork
size: 4.5"w x 5.5"h x .75"thk

Created: May 6, 2023

I recently joined a Celtic Knotwork group with my Guild ( hosted by Adrienne Waller.

While doing the exercises I realized I was going to loose all my samples I was making, so decided to bind them. The nice thing about this binding is all the pages can be removed and put back in or replaced with a clean piece of paper... It can be done with a single piece of paper folded in half or several pages folded together in half.

That bluish green piece slips into that folded piece in the center. Pull out the greenish piece and your page is loose...



Grid pages printed on Staples copy paper.

I need to find heavier paper so it doesn't show thru on the back side. at the moment I'm just gluing it to the backside.




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