Caroussel - SB Paper, Geli Print & Sarcasm

Created: January 16, 2023
Modified: February 16, 2023

A friend introduced me to this Carousel structure... What fun. I started making it with the geli print paper in the size on the directions... but I thought that was a bit large and I wanted something smaller... so did the calculations (see bottom of page) and created one 2"h instead of 3" (approx 6" dia)

So I made the scrap book paper one (with ugly paper...) to see if it would work. YES!! So then I wanted to do one with calligraphy and created the sarcasm one also with the 2" dimensions.



This is the scrapbook paper from a pad.  By flipping the the sections you get 4 different views.

This is the Geli Print paper done on Columbia Mills LBS End paper and it's using the 3" high as per the instructions.


I'm really happy with my sarcasm Carousel...

I used Michael's cardstock.

I'm also still using my Pressure Release monoline style writing.

Words: I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing, retraced my steps, got lost on the way back. Now I have no idea what's going on.

Some people call me crazy. I prefer Happy with a twist.

I really don't mind getting old, but my body is having a major fit.

Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot morons.



The original was created with a 3" x 10" piece of paper scored at 3", 6" and 3 3/4" leaving a 1/4" for gluing the triangle closed.

To calculate my dimensions I drew a straight line 3 3/4" (base line). Found the center point and drew a perpendicular line up then from one of baseline end points moved my ruler (or compass)  to hit the perpendicular line at the 3" point of the ruler. I drew a parallel line from the 3" line with a  2" dimension. Then measured where it hit the baseline which for my 2" figure was 2.4".

To calculate the length of paper add your side dimensions (3" + 3" + 3-3/4" + the gluing section 1/4") 

You can create a larger structure just by elongating the 3" lines and drawing a new baseline parallel to the original.

Follow the instructions that were given. Remember the height of your paper will be the same as your 2 side lengths to create a square when folded closed.




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